Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Birthing Process

Over the years I have had plenty of reoccurring dreams, most of them have been about elevators and escalators where I always get off on the same floor. Reflective of the level of stuck-ness I always felt in those years. It has been quite a while since I have had one of those dreams.

However, last night I had a dream that I was in labor. This new dream intrigued me… why would I have a dream about being in labor? At 48 I have little desire to be pregnant so I am pretty sure it wasn't about having children.  

When I got a chance today I Googled it. Dreamdoze.com said that, “Giving birth means that you are birthing something new in your life. This could be a new idea, relationship or project. It represents the start of something new in your life; possibly a major event. The labor represents the effort you are putting forth to deliver what has been growing inside of you. The emergency in the dream means you have some anxiety about the new events that are about to take place in your life.”

Oh, wow! That so fits!   

I was always told to identify the predominant feeling when interpreting a dream. The intensity of the pain of birthing mixed with the excitement of the coming birth were both dominant in my dream last night. Enough so that I was still unsettled when I woke up to go to work and it was still on my mind as I drove to Indy for work this morning. 

So if the dream is not about having a child, then what is being birthed? An interesting question. A question that I am not sure I have all the answers for yet.

Back in July 2013 I read this posting by Sanctus Real on facebook, it said, “If you don’t see hope, ask God for a new vision.”  I remember praying and asking God for a new vision.  A few weeks later I was asked to move from my apartment. I really didn't think the answer was going to be having to move from the comfortable safety of where I was living.

But it was in the very process of having to move that something was impregnated in me. A new way of being in relationship with God and others, a new way of trusting, a peace, a solidness…. of course that is still mixed with fear, loneliness and old patterns of relating but I don’t feel as thrown by those things any more.

2014 brings with it an anticipation of both the strain/pain in the birthing process as well as a jittering level of excitement. Where will God show himself to me this year? What are his plans for me?  Oh Father, give me a vision.