Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way

He was tempted, but he didn’t get in the pickup and head west in his own cloud of rebellious dust. He was brave and he stayed everyday. He went out and did his work and he gave thanks when it made no sense because his God knows no bounds. God had to be in the hard, so he’d give thanks in the hurt – that he hadn’t been left alone, had never been left alone.

He opened his hands. He received what God gave – and he gave thanks. His life opened – and he got joy.

He’d let himself be broken up like a field. He let himself be made soft and open. He’d let himself be tilled til there was harvest….

And he lay there in black and whispered how he could still see: Thanksgiving to God is the only thing that heals our view of the world…

No matter what we’re facing, there are always only two roads: thanksgiving to God or dismissing of God…

No disaster, no storm, no cancellation, no termination, no catastrophe would stop them from giving thanks…

No matter where they were, every thanksgiving always brought them home —-giving thanks always bringing you home to the heart of God.

 - Excerpts from Anne Voskamp’s blog A Holy Experience - Ending the Stealing of Thanksgiving: A Parable

I love some of the words from the latest blog entry of Anne Voskamp. I feel such gratitude and thankfulness these days and it has amazed me what a bit of gratitude can do for my soul! 

Maybe I should be a bit more worried than I am about my current financial situation but there is a deeper part of me that wants to sit in the gratitude of what God has done for me over the past few months. There is fear for what the future holds but not panic, at least not yet.

I think the overwhelming gratitude I feel offers some solidness in my soul. God has been patient, gracious, forgiving, merciful and ultimately giving. He held the plans of the last few months in His hand. Why shouldn’t I sit in the gratitude of it? Trusting Him with the future is what allows me get up each day. It is what stills the panic when it comes. His hand is in it, it was His plan for me and it will be His plan for me. I find such rest in not having to the answers.

I know it will require movement on my part; that I must do all the things searching for a job requires of me. But I control so very little in the end, only He knows the plans He has for me.

I want to trust Him with the future. To wait patiently. To not settle for something less out of fear? But what if it really isn't something less. I know I can be resistant to change and I long not to avoid an opportunity or something that would stretch me?

May God continue to be patient, gracious, forgiving, merciful and giving. May I continue to turn my face toward Him, trust Him for my future and be thankful for His plan.

Happy Thanksgiving 

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